
New Words Added to the English Dictionary in 2016

30/12/2016 20:42

So far in the year 2016, the Oxford English dictionary was updated 4 times (once for each quarter). According to, a total of 1, 200 new words have been added to the numerous already existing ones. Some of the words added revolve around internet activity, sexuality and a special tribute "Roald Dahl". 

It will also interest you to know that the word of the year 2016 is xenophobia.

Listing the 1,200 words will be a tedious job; but here are ten words that caught our attention. The new words included in the dictionary are:

1. YOLO: an acronym for You only live Once

2. Gender-fluid:not clearly or wholly male or female, unfixed gender identity

3. Clicktivism: the practice of signalling support for a political or social cause by means of the internet, through social media and online platforms.

4. Bracketology: the activity of predicting the participating teams in a tournament and the winners of a competition.

5. Moobs: usually prominent breasts on a man

6. Merica: America

7. Freemium: A business model especially on the internet where basic services are provided free of charge.

8. Non-apology: an insincere apology

9. Squee: representing a high squeaking sound produced by an animal, musical instrument. 

10. Dahlesque: Resembling or characteristics of the works of Roald Dahl

Correct Usage of "Will" and "Would"

25/05/2016 19:43

Most people do not know which is which when it comes to the usage of “Will” and “would” in English sentences. That moment when you are meant to use ‘would’ in a sentence, and you use ‘would’, and vice-versa. Some might not even know the sentence is grammatical incorrect if one is used in the place of the other.

No one is perfect with the Use Of English (even many English natives can’t boast of being perfect with it). We all learn every day. 

We use “will” :

  • To talk about the future
  • To say what we believe will happen
  • to talk about what people want to do or arewilling to do
  • To make promises and offers.

“Would” is the past tense form of will . And because it
is a past tense it is used:

  • To talk about the past.
  • To talk about hypotheses – things that are imagined rather than true.
  • For politeness
  • Instances

    Would as the past tense of Will (to say what we believed would happen)

    When you want to make an Offer or promise, use Will.

    Would, for polite offers and invitations:

    • We’ll be late.
    • We will have to take the train.
    • I thought I would be late …… so I would have to take the train.
    • I’ll give you a lift home after the party.
    • We will come and see you next week.
    • Would you like to come round to morrow?
    • Would you like another drink?
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